Lloret de Mar kicks off 2024 by taking part in a number of international tourism promotion actions

Lloret Turisme has recently taken part in the Vakantiebeurs fair in the Netherlands and the Fahrrad und Wanderreisen fair in Germany, and the Lloret Convention Bureau is taking part for the first time in the Travelmatch Norway workshop in Oslo.

Lloret de Mar has started the year with a range of promotional tourism activities. From Wednesday to Sunday last week, Lloret Turisme was present at the Vakantiebeurs in Utrecht, the main tourism fair in the Netherlands, which every year devotes the first day to a professional day and from Thursday and throughout the weekend is open to the general public. This is a generic fair that in recent years has also focused on active tourism. In 2023, Lloret de Mar received a total of 45,128 travellers from the Dutch market (3.61% of the total), who generated 250,868 overnight stays at the destination (4.74% of the total).

From Saturday 13 January until Monday 15 January, Lloret Turisme was once again present at the Fahrrad und Wanderreisen fair in Stuttgart (Germany), a trade fair specialising in cycle touring and hiking. The manager of Lloret Turisme, Elizabeth Keegan, explains that “these are two fairs that allow us to showcase our natural surroundings and the wide range of activities on offer to enjoy them. This year, for example, we are presenting the new section of the coastal path linking Lloret and Fenals, with numerous viewpoints offering spectacular panoramic views of our coastline, which are combined along the route with different elements of Lloret’s cultural heritage”. German tourism closed 2023 with a total of 61,838 travellers (4.94% of the total), with 356,800 overnight stays (6.74% of the total).

The Lloret Convention Bureau also travelled to Norway to take part for the first time in the Travelmatch Norway workshop in Oslo, where it met with around twenty Norwegian event organisers. This is a benchmark event in the Scandinavian tourism sector, and the event was attended by Evenia Hotels’ Olympic Conference Centre, a venue that has hosted a number of conventions and events with delegates from the Nordic countries in recent years.

The Oslo visit was also used as an opportunity to make sales visits to event organising agencies that were not attending the event. In the words of the Director of the Lloret Convention Bureau, Montse Belisario, “Lloret de Mar has become a very attractive destination for this market thanks to its connectivity with Barcelona, the size and specialised offer of the destination, as well as the wide range of local experiences it offers for corporate events”.


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