600 European choir singers meet at Lloret de Mar

More than 15 choir singers are participating in the 5th International Mediterranean Choir Festival and Competition, to be held from 16 - 19 September

The 5th edition of the International Mediterranean Choir Festival and Competition, which starts today, once again allows Lloret de Mar to host one of the most important international European choir singing events.

This edition of the festival includes 600 singers from sixteen choirs representing countries such as Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Slovenia and Catalonia. The jury, which specialises in choir singing, is also international and made up of seven people from Iceland, the UK, Poland, Slovenia, Russia and the Czech Republic.

In the opinion of the organisers, Asociación Encuentro Cultural Polaco-Catalán (Polish-Catalan Cultural Association), “The choir singers will take part in the competition-concert in which prizes will be awarded for the best interpretation of Catalan music, religious music and the best interpretation of Sardana music, among others. We should mention that apart from playing in Lloret de Mar, they will also be playing at Barcelona Cathedral, which shows the excellent level of the participants.”

Today, the choir competition was held at the parish church of Sant Romà and the final concert will take place on Saturday 19th September at 8pm in Lloret Theatre.

The event is supported by the Lloret Convention Bureau, a public-private management organisation that promotes meetings and events tourism in Lloret de Mar through the “Festivals & Events” programme, to consolidate this segment of the public. Last year, Lloret de Mar hosted more than 90 festival and band performances.


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