Lloret de Mar joins the European project Greentour: Circular Economy and Sustainable Tourism in Destinations of the SUDOE space

Greentour is a European project granted 1st November 2020 to improve methods of managing natural and cultural heritage through the implementation of networks and joint experimentation.

Greentour project is funded by the Interreg Sudoe Programme. The project has a planned duration of 28 months and a total budget of 1.171.998,68€.

The consortium is composed of 9 partners and 20 associated partners from Spain, France, Portugal and Andorra.

Lloret de Mar is among the pilot destinations that have joined the European project Greentour: Circular Economy and Sustainable Tourism in Destinations of the SUDOE space.

One of the key strategic areas for Lloret de Mar in 2021 is sustainability, which it is addressing through two specific projects: on the one hand, the diagnosis and definition of the 2021-2023 Lloret de Mar Sustainable Tourism Action Plan; and, on the other hand, the Greentour project, which focuses on ecolabelling and the circular economy.

The tourism sector requires a standardized grouping framework to define, evaluate, and modify strategies, balancing environmental, economic, and social value. The result should provide tools that incorporate both consumers and public managers in the decision-making process towards a more sustainable tourism.

The Greentour project addresses several innovation actions framed within a transregional grouping model that include:

  1. Methodologies and actions to promote the circular economy in the tourism sector on a transregional scale not previously addressed;


  1. Scientific and methodological innovation with an eco-labeling to assess the environmental impacts with a life cycle perspective caused by tourist activity in a destination, in addition to the economic and social variables;


  1. Promote interregional cooperation in the SUDOE area between institutions and policy makers, taking into account the validation of the tourism sector of the proposed tools and strategies.


In addition to Lloret de Mar (Catalonia), other pilot destinations are taking part in the project, such as Ordino (Andorra), Massif du Sancy (Auvergne), Camino Lebaniego (Cantabria), Rias Baixas (Pontevedra), and Guimarães (Portugal). All of them with relevant natural and cultural heritage and that will act as ambassadors of the ecolabel in SUDOE.

Greentour project proposes to create alliances among tourist destinations, including locations classified as UNESCO heritage, in Spain, France, Andorra, and Portugal, and technical partners with extensive experience in the study, development and implementation of environmentally efficient systems.

The objective is to move towards a new environmental, economic and social model while informing the consumer and obtaining his/her commitment to the environment in which the tourist activity takes place.

Greentour is an opportunity to incorporate more competitive services that respect the natural and cultural heritage, providing socioeconomic value to the SUDOE region, and strengthening the sector facing future challenges.



The consortium is composed of 4 research entities and 5 destination managers:



  • Ayuntamiento de Camaleño
  • Centro de Estudios Lebaniegos y Torre del Infantado
  • Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar
  • Ayutamiento de Potes
  • Patronat de Turisme de la Costa Brava Girona
  • Turismo de Galicia
  • Ayuntamiento de Cillorigo de Liebana
  • Ayuntamiento de Pesaguero
  • Ayuntamiento de Ourese
  • Ayuntamiento de Cabezon de Liebana
  • Connectingbrains / Connecting with Innovation S.L..
  • Conseil régional Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Energie Environnement
  • Office de Tourisme du Massif du Sancy
  • Câmara Municipal de Arganil
  • Municipio de Mértola
  • Turismo do Alentejo e do Ribatejo, E.R.T.
  • Andorra Innovation Hub – Fundació Actuatech
  • Gobierno Andorra – Ministeri Medi Ambient i Sostenibilitat
  • Observatori de la Sostenibilitat d’Andorra


  • About Interreg Sudoe Programme

The Interreg Sudoe Programme https://interreg-sudoe.eu is part of the European territorial cooperation objective known as Interreg, which is financed by one of the European structural funds: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The current programming period covers from 2014 to 2020. Its two previous programme generations were Sudoe 2000-2006 and Sudoe 2007-2013.


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